jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Author John Crawley Announces New Novel, The Perfect Food

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) October 01, 2014

Author John Crawley announces the publication of his 14th novel, The Perfect Food, through Lulu Press. The story, taking place in the near future, sees a time when major chemical companies are manipulating the food supply. Even when something goes terribly wrong, the control these companies have over the political machinery in Washington, guarantees they are all but immune from prosecution. Their protection guaranteed by law.

Crawley reprises the role of world-traveling journalist, Scott Keen (first appearing in Crawley’s The House Next Door, and then through two consecutive novels, Under the Radar and Between Sunday’s Columns) as the individual who begins to put all the pieces of this story together. His articles begin to sound the alarm that powerful entities are behind the thousands of deaths sweeping across the United States. As he beings to dig deeper to find just who has been in charge of the cover up, he discovers scientists, lawyers, and even a lobbyist (who has turned against his own client) assist him in his investigation.

As the smokescreen surrounding the dangerous chemical the company has unleashed begins to clear, a Presidency and a Wall Street financial empire begin to topple. The Government begins to wobble. Ultimately, the politicians begin to bend to public pressure.

Crawley Discusses The Perfect Food

“To some degree, this novel is ripped from the headlines. It is Watergate incarnate; only now, Americans are dying because of inaction in Washington. I have watched the fight against GMO foods in our country and the chemicals we allow to be placed into our food chain. I’ve also watched as illnesses such as cancers and digestive diseases continue to rise, wondering if there is a connection. Of course the big chemical concerns say ‘no’; their bought-and-paid-for legislators say, ‘no’ as well, just as their K Street lobby firms have instructed them to,” says Crawley.

“But the public is beginning to question them. This book takes the next leap. An epidemic has broken out in the U.S. and its cause becomes clear after a brave whistle- blower releases secret information. Stopping the outbreak is a harder job. Bringing the guilty parties to justice, an almost impossible task – but not quite. A loophole in the law takes away their protection, even as the White House fights to preserve the status quo.”

Crawley explains, “Scott Keen was the perfect one to bring back for this story. His no-nonsense style of straight-ahead journalism, combined with a personal interest in the story, means he is in this fight up to his neck. Like never before, we see him collect the data and organize it into compelling, dramatic articles, even as he gives his editors and the legal staff at his newspaper heartburn over the accusations his words are bringing forth. He tells the entire tale to a spectator in the Federal courtroom while awaiting the outcome from a jury sequestered behind closed doors.

“In so doing, I have put the reader in the story. He or she is not just an interloper, but rather a participant in the events of the day.”

The Perfect Food is about the ability of a very few individuals to buy power and opt out of accountability. It is what happens when we allow our government to be run by the rich and powerful with little or no voice for anyone else.

About John Crawley

John Crawley is a Dallas, Texas-based writer. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Crawley is the author of the award-winning novels, The Man on the Grassy Knoll, Stuff, Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt, The Myth Makers, as well Fishing Lessons. Visit http://ift.tt/1xhrRu6

Praise for John Crawley’s Perfect Food

“Had I known what I know now, I would have probably been a vegetarian my while life. Even that wouldn’t have saved me from the fate that awaits a country in John Crawley’s latest novel, The Perfect Food.

“The book is a masterfully-told tale by Scott Keen, one of John’s recurring characters. It is about greed and the shameless lack of morals at the very top of our political food chain. The Perfect Food will remind you, you are what you eat. It will also drive home the truth: You are how you vote, and will be until you have the fortitude to stand up and say, ‘Enough already, enough.’” – Janice de Long, Atlanta, GA.

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