martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

How to Prevent Insulin Resistance Progressing to Type 2 Diabetes

Insulin resistance or pre-diabetes develops years before it is detected and according to a recent study, is irreversible. These findings were presented by the American Diabetes Association during the 69th Scientific Sessions in New Orleans earlier this year.

Therefore the best safeguard against this condition is prevention. You need to be aware of your body sending you messages that could indicate your insulin is not working effectively, as this will then cause your blood sugar levels to slowly rise continuing on to type 2 diabetes if not detected. This condition affects up to forty per cent of the adult population world-wide and only one third are aware of it!

How have you been feeling over the last few years? One of the earliest signs your blood sugars are high is an extreme fatigue that you cannot give a basis to. You sleep well, you don’t have late nights, your don’t do any laboring that would tire you, yet you feel weary. You wake up tired, you feel fatigued in the early afternoon or you just feel worn-out all day. It sounds like your body is letting you know your blood sugar levels are too high.

The causes could include:

the amount and type of food you eat



being inactive

under emotional pressure

It is really important for you to see your health care provider so he can gather information from you, organize fasting blood tests and give you information about insulin resistance and/or pre-diabetes.

Depending on how high your blood sugars are, symptoms may vary. In fact type 2 diabetes usually develops very slowly. Common and important symptoms include:

frequent urination as kidneys are forced to get rid of fluid due to changes caused by high blood sugar levels

unusual thirst occurs due to frequent urination

excessive drinking often of sweet drinks like fruit juices and soft drinks

unusual fatigue because the muscle cells are starved of sugar which is normally used as fuel

unexplained weight loss occurs with type 1 diabetes; rarely with type 2 diabetes

blurred vision happens in some people because the high sugar content causes the lens to swell. It leaves once the lens have time to adjust

feeling hungry all the time due to the inability of your insulin being able to transport glucose into your cells.

Diabetes is a disease of insulin-deficiency in either quantity, the beta cells of the pancreas don’t make enough, or effectiveness, where you have plenty of insulin but it’s unable to work effectively. As a result your blood sugar levels are too high. If left untreated serious complications can occur. These include:

eye problems

heart disease

kidney damage


repeated infections

There is much you can do once you know your diagnosis of pre-diabetes. By adapting to a lifestyle characterized by a healthy diet, moderate exercise and rest, your body will use your insulin more effectively and reduce your blood sugar levels together with your chances of developing full-blown type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is controllable, when you change your diet and make other healthy adjustments your rising glucose level will fall. If you are overweight and would like to take a first step, click here now to download my free E-Book:

More Insulin Resistance Diet Articles

The post How to Prevent Insulin Resistance Progressing to Type 2 Diabetes appeared first on Painless Diet Plans.

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