lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

How Can I Lose Weight Quickly?

I am going to let you in on the best weight loss techniques, that have been tried and tested by myself and many others. These are real methods that will lose that weight fast, that have worked on me, not that I was over weight, and I didn’t intend to lose weight it just happened as a by product of certain activities. Believe me they will shake the pounds that the years of neglect have put on and get you into top shape.

Its not just the fat that’s lying around your middle you should be worried about either, its the fat you can’t see that is the real danger, like visceral fat, fat that builds up around your internal organs, and lets not forget the fat clogging up your artery’s, this is the stuff that’s going to kill you. heart disease is one of society’s biggest killers and certain type of cancer have been liked to unhealthy living.

The only way you are going to do this is to change your mind set, you have to win the battle in your mind first, you have to set your self a mental target,of what you want to look like,this will be your drive and motivation. The mind is stronger than the body your mind will keep you going when your body wants to give up. If you want to lose weight fast you will.

Exercise. The best exercise of them all is walking, its free and any one of any size can do it. Walking is an aerobic exercise and is one of the best fat burning exercises you can do. Its not to stressful, and as well as burning fat it will tone up legs and buttocks. Try to walk for at least half an hour a day at a brisk pace, even longer if you can, the more you do the quicker those pounds will come of. Walking will burn body fat over the entire body including your love handles and your stomach. I know this works, during my time in Iraq, I did a lot of walking, on an average patrol you could walk 30 miles easily and in a lot case’s more. I lost over a stone in body weight on one patrol and that’s a lot considering my daily rations contained over 6000 calories. Go for a brisk walk and you will probably feel a tingling around the area where your love handles are, this is the body burning its energy reserves.

You can step up the exercise as you get fitter, consider different types of exercise like swimming or cycling as well as walking. This will help you work on different muscle groups and give you a bit of variety, doing the same thing all the time gets monotonous and if you get bored, your more likely to give up.

Diet. The best diet is the common sense diet, we all know what’s good for us, and which foods are going to pile on the pounds. Cut out the junk food , chocolate, sweets and cakes, if you drink cut down or even better stop, the average bottle of beer contains 122 calories.

Eat more, sounds a bit crazy but if you eat more your metabolic rate speeds up and this will trigger a fat burning response. Eat more of the right foods, lean meats, fish and chicken, if you want to lose weight fast cut right down on the starchy foods like bread, potatoes and pasta. Don’t cut your diet them out of your diet completely, carbohydrates are the body’s source of energy. If you are very over weight consider a low carbohydrate diet like the Atkins, or no carbohydrate diet. These type of diets force the body to run on its fat reserves, thus losing weight. The only problem is you will get tired quickly, as the body don’t want to give up its fat reserves, marathon runners get to a stage where all the body’s sugars have been used, and the body starts to burn fat, its known as the wall, any one who has run a marathon will know what I mean. Its a feeling of immense tiredness and fatigue.

Eat like a king in the morning,have a big breakfast, do not miss breakfast, this is the most important meal of the day, ask any soldier, it will set you up for the day ahead and give you the energy you need. Don’t be fooled by the diets that tell you to eat grapefruit and a glass of juice for breakfast. This is no good, you will be hungry an hour later, and looking for a snack.

Eat three good meals a day at regular times and don’t eat in the evening or late at night, your metabolism slows down and your body will store what ever you eat.

Water. Drink plenty of water, I can’t emphasize enough how important this is, water is essential for every single part of the body, you cant live with out it, literally. Water will help with any water retention problems you may have. Drink at least 2 litres per day. Read my article “Water” that’s posted on my blog.

Love handles. Don’t worry about them, they will go in time, if you keep up the diet and exercise, it will be the last place to tone up,by the way, the love handles or obliques as they are biologically known, are notoriously hard to shift, you can do some abdominal exercises that will strengthen the muscle of the abdomen and the obliques, but they wont have much affect on the fat, this needs to be burned of with aerobic exercise, its the only way trust me. Don’t take to much notice of the health gurus who tell you to do endless sit ups, you will get strong abdominal muscles, but you wont be able to see them for the fat, it has to be burned by exercise. What the body builders don’t tell you is that they live on boiled fish for days to get into the condition they are in.

The same applies to to the man boobs, start doing some push ups, this will tone up the pectoral muscles of the chest area. If you are really unfit or very heavy you may want to consider an abdominal trainer, this will help you strengthen the muscle in stomach area, until you are in better shape. Muscle dose not turn into to fat by the way, this is the biggest misconception people are led to believe by the so called fitness gurus, muscle will fill the void that the fat has left, that’s if you do a bit of weight training that is.

Diet supplements. Diet supplements will help you to lose weight fast, there are two classes, herbal and pharmaceutical. They are normally prescribed to people who are really fat,whose weight is physically or psychologically dangerous. The herbal variety are available with out prescription. If you only need to lose a few pounds there’s no need to bother with dietary supplements.

Visceral fat. This is the fat you can’t see, it deposits around the internal organs, this stuff is dangerous and has to go and the only way to do this is with aerobic exercise.

Get motivated. Do some thing today, get up and go for a walk, you wont lose weight sat there thinking about it. Join a gym, buy a bicycle , do some thing now, the sooner you start the better, the hardest step is the first step, once you start it will be hard to stop, exercise releases a drug in the brain and its a high, like any other drug. Do some thing today. Keep motivated and don’t give up you wont see results for a couple of weeks, but don’t get disheartened, keep focused on what you want to look like, have a mental picture of your self all toned up and slim to help you keep on track. Don’t give up and good luck.

How can I lose weight quickly? to find out more about diet, weight loss and diet supplements visit

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