martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Gout Diet Plans

Gout is a painful condition resulting due to high uric acid levels in blood, which over time leads to formation of urate crystals. These crystals start depositing in joints, which result in swelling, redness, and pain. There are three major reasons for gout: increased uric acid secretion, high amounts of purine in diet, and impaired kidney function. Purine is a chemical substance which metabolizes to give uric acid. Considering the triggering factors, diet plans for gout patients are aimed at controlling uric acid levels and effective management of the symptoms.

An Overview

The main objective of this diet plan is to identify foods loaded with purine and avoid them. Also, foods that lower uric acid production are incorporated in the gout diet. Obese people are more susceptible to this problem than others. Hence, controlling weight is another strategy in gout treatment. Again, losing weight is directly related to eating the right foods in correct amounts. Detailed information on gout diet plan is presented below.

Foods to Avoid

Food items that contain high percentage of purines are restricted for patients having recurrent gout arthritis attacks.

  • Sardines

  • Anchovies

  • Herring

  • Scallops

  • Red Meat

  • Meat extracts

  • Organ meat (brain, liver, and kidney)

  • Yeast-based products

  • Beer and other alcoholic drinks

  • Cauliflower

  • Spinach and Asparagus

  • Mushrooms

  • Beans

  • Lentils

  • Legumes

Foods to Include

Certain foods are known to lower or at least maintain uric acid levels in blood. They include:

  • Strawberries

  • Citrus fruits

  • Pineapple

  • Cherry juice

  • Whole Wheat bread

  • Yogurt

  • Low-fat dairy products

  • Tofu

  • Peanut butter

  • Nuts

  • Whole grains

  • Low-fat cheese

  • Gelatin

  • Tea and Coffee

  • Soft drinks

  • White Meat

Gout Meal Plans

The thumb rule followed in gout treatment is including foods rich in complex carbohydrates, low in fats, and low in proteins. People with gout should drink lots of healthy fluids and eat easily digestible foods that contain low purine. Remember to add variety of foods in the diet, otherwise indulging in the same food items will be quite boring. Following is a simple reference for gout diet menus:

Breakfast Menu

  • 1 bowl cereal (cornflakes, rice krispies)

  • Skim milk

  • 2 slices wholemeal toast

  • 1 cup tea or coffee

Mid-morning Menu

  • 2-3 pieces cream crackers

  • 1 cup tea or coffee

Lunch Menu

  • Vegetable soup

  • Boiled pulse

  • 1 serving plain rice (or 1 whole wheat sandwich)

  • 1 serving fruit salad

  • 1 bowl buttermilk

Mid-afternoon Menu

  • Fresh dark berries

  • 1 piece of fruit (optional)

  • 2 wheat biscuits

  • 1 cup tea or coffee

Evening Menu

  • 1 serving of fruit

  • 2 plain biscuits

Dinner Menu

  • Veggie mixture (carrots, celery, etc.)

  • Small fillet or small chicken breast, baked or roasted

  • 1 serving plain rice or whole wheat pasta

Note: Drink lots of water while eating and in between. A minimum of 8 glasses of water per day is recommended for gout patients. This will help in expelling uric acid during urination.

If you understand healthy foods and restrictive foods that cause gout, choosing recipes for gout diet is very easy. The key is to use good foods and avoid those containing moderate or high amounts of purines. Some easy-to-cook and less time-consuming food recipes for gout patients are whole-grain pancakes (medium sweet), gazpacho soup, milk shakes, and cherry smoothies. Whenever possible, add fresh vegetables, vitamin C-rich food, and culinary herbs in your gout diet.

Health experts are of the opinion that consuming foods and oils rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids help in reducing inflammatory responses. With dietary modifications, mild exercise, and medication (if required), gout symptoms can be managed effectually. So, understand the diet plans, and try to follow the tips and tricks to prevent gout attacks.

The post Gout Diet Plans appeared first on Painless Diet Plans.

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