martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Eating Right Eating For Two

Pregnancy can be an exciting time for any expecting mother. But the cravings, oh the cravings can take over in an instant. Pickles, chocolate, watermelon and other unimaginable goodies can come to the forefront of a woman’s mind and never leave. But what’s good to satisfy the cravings, and what’s not? Eating and avoiding the right foods, keeps both you and your child safe. Educating yourself on the subject can spare both of you negative effects in the future.

So what are the major things to avoid when pregnant? Obviously anything that could harm you regularly will still harm you while pregnant. Take extra percussions to avoid foods that may contain subsidence’s you are allergic to. Some women develop allergies during pregnancy, so it’s especially important to watch your bodies reactions to foods that you may not have had adverse effects to previously. Just as before pregnancy many raw foods may be hazardous. Raw meats, fish, and eggs are three things many people avoid on a regular basis do to the higher risk of food borne illnesses. During pregnancy it’s even more important to cut those foods from your diet entirely. Raw meats, including sushi are dangerous because of their high risk of causing listeria or salmonella poisoning. Raw eggs may also contain salmonella. Any unpasteurized cheese, milk, or juice should be avoided. Again there is a higher risk of food poisoning with these foods. Besides those less obvious pregnancy food taboos there are also a few well-known ones to note. It is very important to avoid any alcohol intake while carrying a child. Out of all of the food mishaps that occur during pregnancy, the ones involving alcohol are among the most common and most severe. Too much caffeine is not good for anyone, but especially women who are pregnant. Caffeine intake should be limited, or if possible, cut off altogether.

So when out shopping or scanning over the menu what are the things to look past? In a restaurant avoid rare steaks and sushi, anything undercooked. Try always to cook and eat things well done, just as a precaution. Try to stay away from deli-meats, including hot dogs, livers, as well as meat spreads. Well cooked fresh water fish are a much better option than refrigerated smoked fish, shellfish, and sea fish that are high in mercury. All of these should be substituted with better fish options. Even so, try to limit meals that involve fish to only one or two a week. Raw eggs are often found in places we wouldn’t assume they would be. Custards, ice creams, mayonnaise, some salad dressings, and eggnog all may contain raw eggs. It’s a good idea to check with recipe labels or your restaurant server before you eat any of these products. Soft cheeses may have been made with unpasteurised milk, so it’s important to check them over before you eat them as well. Cheeses to avoid would involve, but are not limited to feta, brie, camembert, blue-veined cheeses, queso blanco, queso fresco and panela.

But don’t fret! There are many more options that are good for you than there are limitations for what are bad. Of course fruits and vegetables are a wonderful source of nutrients, and are a great addition to any meal for a pregnant woman. Just be sure to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before taking a bight. Foods that are high in protein, but follow the guidelines previously listed are very important. Foods with protein are great sources of energy for both the mother and growing foetus. Late studies in the US have shown that whole grains are extremely beneficial, especially in the development of children at a young age. Whole grains can also be beneficial to women during pregnancy, as well as the baby within them. Also any foods high in calcium are great for helping build a strong child.

So what are some foods that are great sources of nutrition for an expecting mother? Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, spinach, soybeans, and red peppers are all packed with beneficial vitamins vital for proper development. Adding a serving of each to every meal is a great way to keep your soon to be newborn on the right track. Avocados are another plant packed with good stuff, plus it makes a great substitute for mayonnaise. Craving something sweet, but want it to do good for both you and your child? Mangos are a great outlet for those sweet tooth cravings. Like it was mentioned above, proteins are a must when it comes to pregnancy. But how can you safely get those without risking food poisoning. Don’t be afraid to eat well cooked meats and eggs. But if you’re still iffy beans and nuts are wonderful sources of protein without the risks that meat and eggs have. Something sweet and healthy? Peanut butter is a great source of protein and it cures that sugar craving quick. Another sweet treat is yogurt. Packed with calcium and fruit, sprinkle on some wholegrain oats and there isn’t a better midday snack.

Eating a well-balanced diet is a great way to kick-start a healthy birth. Craving something? Listen to your body. Most likely it’s telling you the nutrients you’re missing out on. But try to go with healthier alternatives to sweet and salty cravings. Remember the foods necessary to avoid, and try to infuse your daily meals with some of the goodies mentioned previously. Following those two simple steps your bound to come out of your pregnancy with a healthy baby and a healthier you.

Quick Tips

Things to Avoid: undercooked or raw meats and fish, smoked fish, meat spreads, soft cheese, unpasteurised milk, raw and undercooked eggs, alcohol, caffeine.

Goodies to Enjoy: broccoli, carrots, spinach, soybeans, red peppers, mangos, beans, nuts, yogurt

Listen to your cravings

Look for healthy alternatives

Read labels for ingredients

Don’t be afraid to ask the waiter what’s in the meal

Brian Emuss has an awesome site with all the information an expectant mother will ever need. Check out

The post Eating Right Eating For Two appeared first on Painless Diet Plans.

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