sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

Pilot Diet MD presents Tips on living off a High Protein Diet, and the benefits it can provide.

(PRWEB) February 18, 2015

Benefits of a High Protein Diet

Protein is essential for assisting the body in a wide variety of functions, including creating hormones, enzymes, and other important body chemicals. Nails and hair are made primarily of protein, which also acts as an important building block for skin, bones, cartilage, blood, and muscles. Without adequate protein, the body will not be able to function on an optimal level. Because protein is especially important for the development of muscles, make sure enough is consumed to develop a stronger and leaner physique.

A high protein diet can also help lose excess weight because it provides high levels of satiety so that one will have a decreased desire to snack on calorie-rich and nutrient-deficient foods. In conjunction with exercise, a high protein diet could be just the boost needed to lose those few extra pounds and trim up ones physique. However, it is important to choose wise sources of protein, because some sources are healthier than others.

Some of the best sources of dietary protein include: nuts and seeds, lean meats, low-fat dairy, beans, seafood, eggs, and soy. To diversify nutrients, it is a good idea to eat a wide variety of these protein-rich foods instead of eating the same things every day.

One of the primary benefits of a high protein diet is that it is relatively easy to follow, simply because protein-rich foods are typically very filling and delicious. Dieters who restrict their protein and try to lose weight without eating an adequate amount of protein are more likely to become frustrated with their diets and give up before reaching their goal. On the other hand, dieters who adopt a protein-rich diet are more likely to enjoy the foods they eat and stick with their eating plan.

Another benefit of protein is that it keeps one full for a longer period of time than nutrient-bereft snacks. Because of its satiety benefits, diets rich in protein are more likely to yield satisfactory weight loss results than diets low in protein.

To help build strong muscles, consuming high amounts of protein is a great way to do so. Additionally, an adequate amount of protein in the diet can contribute to the development of healthy hair and glowing skin. Protein is also important for building and maintaining strong bones. So if physical health and appearance are important, make sure an adequate amount of protein is consumed.

For more information about the benefits of a high protein diet and other related health topics, visit http://ift.tt/1EYkN9I or call 1-888-912-4556.

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