domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Advice and Recipes in The Calories In, Calories Out Cookbook Provide Helpful Tools to Follow the New 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advocating More Whole Foods and Exercise

Bethesda, MD (PRWEB) March 26, 2015

When it comes to diet and nutrition, we know what to do, we’re just not doing it! This is no surprise as most Americans are guilty of poor eating habits and not getting enough exercise. The new 2015 scientific report of the Dietary Guidelines Committee created by the Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Agriculture, confirms the need to make some serious changes for a healthier nation. A new award-winning, critically acclaimed cookbook by Catherine Jones and Elaine Trujillo, MS, RDN, The Calories In, Calories Out Cookbook, offers both practical advice for healthy eating and delicious recipes to create and sustain positive changes. Unlike any other cookbook on the market, they include Calories Out, or how much walking or jogging it will take to burn of the dish. “This is extremely helpful information for general calorie awareness and making the connection between what and how much you eat and the need for exercise,” says Jones.

In the recently released “Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee burgers, sandwiches, desserts and beverages could be improved so as to increase the intake of vegetables and whole grains and lower the intake of sodium, saturated fat and refined grains. The committee found that Americans can improve beverage selections that limit or remove sugar-sweetened beverages and can limit sweets and desserts.

Elaine Trujillo points out, “Although American’s eating habits theoretically can be improved, actually making the positive steps is a tougher challenge. Behavior changes are needed along with tools to help help implement those changes. “

According to the report, individuals may fare better with weight loss and maintenance and reduce their risk for developing disease by getting some help by nutrition professionals. Individual or small-group interventions. Individuals may be helped by targeting specific eating and physical activity behaviors, such as focusing on meal patterns, cooking prep techniques, family and household meal experiences, and ways to reduce sedentary behaviors.

Behavior change is not simple. It requires engaging individuals actively in the behavior change process, using traditional face-to-face or small group strategies and new technological approaches, such as websites and mobile/telephone technology, and by providing intensive, long-term professional interventions as appropriate.

“Consulting nutritional professionals may be the tool that people need to get them on track with healthy eating. It is not much different from other areas in our life that we need help with. We should consult nutrition experts for health advice in the same way we consult doctors for medical advice,” adds Trujillo.

The report was clear about what a healthy diet should look like. It should be higher in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy products, seafood, legumes, and nuts; moderate in alcohol; and lower in red and processed meats, sugar, sweetened foods and drinks, and refined grains.

Vegetables and fruits came out the winners in terms of showing the most beneficial health outcomes. Seems simple: eat more vegetables and fruits and you will be healthier. No fad diets or elimination of food groups needed to get to a healthy diet. The message is that individuals can be flexible in how they eat, their diet should reflect their preferences and cultural traditions.

Anu Kaur, nutritionist, yoga therapist wellness coach believes that “small changes that individuals make in their diet can go a long way. Sitting down with a client and figuring out what those small changes can be often results in Aha moments for people. They realize that, for example, replacing brown rice for white rice gives them the whole grains and fiber they need without having to give up a staple food in their diet. Instead of just saying eat more vegetables, nutrition professionals can help people find ways to enjoy vegetables and try some new ones.”

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