domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Bulletin: MLM is Your New Social Security Plan

Well you must have realized by now that social security is nearing it’s end. Just recently the Federal government made the very unpopular announcement to retirees that there would be no cost of living increase for the 2nd year in a row. This is because the Federal Government is broke, in debt, and can no longer pass out free money. In fact, even those who have earned their money, like social security recipients, will now be affected by the incompetent spending spree which the U.S. Congress has been on for the last 2 years. Get ready for your Plan B.

MLM,Internet Marketing,Home Based Businesses, and the Work-from-Home opportunities are now the offical Plan B for millions of hard working Americans. Most 401k PLANS were decimated by the stock market crash, social security is rapidly becoming a pocket change account, and jobs are leaving the U.S.everyday for countries overseas or south of the border. For those of us who planned ahead, we already are running successful internet businesses which draw income from all around the globe, so we are not dependent on just the U.S. economy, and certainly not depending on social security to be our retirement plan.

However, millions of Americans still believe politicians will come to the rescue by printing up more fake money and hiring people so that the homeless can be gainfully employed. For those of us who are awake, we realize that the government cannot print money up and just hire people. In fact, although the Obama administration and his fan club in Congress have done exactly that for 2 years now, the unemployment rate continues to climb. And its all about to come crashing down on the United States within the next 2-3 years: Its called a depression….not recession.

If you haven’t started your retirement plan yet by learning internet marketing, then it is not too late YET. There is a world market out there and many countries are much better off than America, and goods and services are being produced, bought, and sold in those countries and profit is being realized. If you are awake, or even close to it, get started today learning online marketing. There are a number of institutions and training centers which offer solid training along with coaching or one to one mentoring. MLM or Internet Marketing is truly the “new social security”, and your check is waiting.

Rick James is a trainer and coaching support specialist for internet marketers and affiliate marketers, as well as a personal mentor for anybody who wants to begin the process of learning how to earn money online as an MLM executive, stay-at-home Mom/Dad, or internet business owner. To begin your training and earn while you learn visit:

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