viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Foods To Avoid With Gout

Which foods to avoid with gout is an important first step on the way to a remedy for gout that is right for you. Foods play a significant part in the appearance of gout. Listed here are typical foods you should avoid with gout. An understanding of just why you need to avoid these foods will help your determination to avoid them, as some are everyday foods that most of us enjoy.

Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia. This is where there are raised levels of uric acid in the blood. Although not dangerous in itself, hyperuricemia can lead to the development of gout.

When uric acid levels reach saturation point in the blood stream, small deposits are made in the spaces and connective tissues of the joints. These deposits crystallize, causing sharp, jagged needles that are the reason behind the swift swelling, redness and pain characterized by a gout attack.

This excess uric acid then crystallizes in your joints. The most common areas are your big toes, ankles and knees. But they can build up anywhere such as elbows, fingers, thumbs, wrists, etc. And these crystals are ‘needle-like’ and sharp resulting in the excruciating pain of gout that completely disrupts your life.

The term ‘uric acid diet’ is really incorrect. What is really meant is a diet that helps to reduce the uric acid levels in your blood. And you need to lower and maintain them at these healthy levels simply because high uric acid levels can lead to the formation of urate crystals in your joint(s) that cause the symptoms of gout.

Just how are your gout and the food you eat related? First off, your gout is caused by crystals that have formed in your joints and surrounding tissue. These are formed when you have high levels of uric acid in your blood. And uric acid is produced when chemical compounds called ‘purines’ breakdown during the normal metabolizing process in your body.

A low protein diet is standard for gout sufferers while experiencing an attack. This type of diet limits large amounts of red meat, dark meat, fish, and other seafood. Animal organs like the heart and liver, mussels and sausages, and sardines, shellfish, dark fish fillets, anchovies, scallops, salmon and shellfish should also be limited.

Third, you also must avoid certain types of sea foods like fish and shellfish. We must mention salmon, cod, anchovies, herrings, sardines, haddocks and fish eggs for fishes and shrimp, crab, mussels, and scallops for shellfish. You may think that avoiding these foods will result in missing out on the heart-healthy omega-3 but we suggest taking supplements instead.

There are a variety of vegetables that are included on the list of foods to avoid with gout. In particular if you suffer with gout you want to forgo having peas, spinach, asparagus and beans. You may recognize that after eating these in the past your gout pain seemed to worsen. Mushrooms need to be removed from your menu plans as well. It’s even worth asking when eating out if any sauces contain mushrooms as that small amount can cause your gout to flare as well.

One of the foods to avoid with gout are high fat dairy products. Instead you want to choose low fat dairy products. Some examples are low fat cheese, skim milk, lactose free milk and so on. One treat that you will be glad to know you can still enjoy is ice cream. Make sure you choose one of the lower fat versions of this cold dessert. Low fat yogurt is another great choice.

Although not a food, per se, alcohol should be avoided. This is especially true with beer, since it has a higher yeast content. (Any food product that contains bakers or brewers yeast should be taken off the menu.)

Some foods that should not be consumed by gout sufferers include: dried beans and peas, any type of gravy, shrimp, bouillon, broth, sardines, scallop, liver, kidneys, heart, brain, anchovies and mackerel. These items are VERY high in purines.

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The post Foods To Avoid With Gout appeared first on Painless Diet Plans.

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