viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Excessive Burping Causes

What Does Eructation Mean?

In medical nomenclature, eructation is the term substituted for burping. Besides, it is not the vocal cords, but the upper esophageal sphincter that is responsible for the sound uttered while burping. Situated above the esophagus, the muscle tends to vibrate due to gas moving through the passage, hence the sound.

Imagine This: You just had a gourmet meal at your favorite restaurant with your friends. However, you couldn’t help but give way to a distasteful burp. You hope nobody saw you, or heard the sound of it, but those faces spell a vile story. Wish you had a stopcock there; an embarrassment could well be avoided! If truth be told, burping or belching is a normal function of the body, no matter how primitive it may be considered.

Potent Causes

↪ Eating Habits

A prominent cause for excessive burping is faulty eating habits. An overindulgent eater, nonadherence to meal timings, and consuming foods rich in fats are factors that trigger constant burping. Spicy food may also cause an upset digestive system leading to burps.

↪ Carbonated Drinks

Aerated water, or soft drinks may well be held responsible for increasing the amount of gas in your system, wherein its expulsion from the body results in constant burping. Instead, consume water. It, indeed, would do a good turn to your body by improving digestion and your health in tandem.

↪ Medication and Nutritional Supplements

Intake of certain medicines and nutritional supplements may result in flatulence. This gas is passed out of the body by way of burping. Both prescription and nonprescription medicines may lead to this condition.

↪ Pregnancy

Excessive burping during pregnancy occurs on account of two reasons: (1) During pregnancy, the progesterone levels in the body increase. Progesterone is a hormone that relaxes the muscle tissues of the body. During pregnancy, high progesterone levels ensure that the digestive system slows down by relaxing the muscle tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, thus leading to bloating, excessive burping, and nausea; and (2) Another cause is the growth of the uterus at the gravid stages. The grown uterus during pregnancy fills the abdominal cavity, slows down the digestion process, and causes burping.

↪ Food Allergy

Excessive belching could be due to an allergic reaction to some food items. Sensitivity to certain foods can cause excessive burping after eating. For instance, those who have lactose intolerance, experience burping with flatulence after they have consumed milk or any milk product.

↪ Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a stomach disorder in which the stomach acids are pushed back toward the esophagus. Symptoms of GERD include difficulty in breathing and eating, an acidic taste in the mouth, nausea, heartburn, excessive burping, and chest pain. Acid reflux and regurgitation are often interrelated, thereby being observed in people suffering from GERD.

↪ Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the intestines which produces symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence, and burping. IBS is caused when the large intestines fail to perform their functions normally.

↪ Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder is an important organ of the body lying below the liver. Its main function is to store bile produced by the liver, which helps in digesting fats. Any problem in the gallbladder resulting in the condition can produce symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, heartburn, bloating, chills, fever, excessive burping, and chest pain.

↪ Dyspepsia

This is a condition that hampers your digestion causing discomfort in the abdominal region. One may often complain of indigestion marked by excessive belching and a burning sensation running through the digestive tract. It is during such times that one tends to swallow air in excess, resulting in an episode of constant burping.

↪ Aerophagia

An activity regarded as an unpleasant, subconscious indulgence, swallowing air in excess may cause abnormal bouts of burping accompanied with pain in the upper abdominal region. Those who cannot do without chewing gum, smoking, or draining down aerated water, more often than not, endure this problem.

↪ Gastroparesis

When the abdominal muscles turn sluggish, inversely affecting the process of digestion, belching may increase. The abdominal muscles are known to endure paralysis due to which the food ingested stays in the stomach for a longer period than usual. This weakening of the abdominal muscles leads to improper functioning of the digestive system resulting in heartburn and constipation. Besides, people also tend to complain that they are unable to relieve themselves completely due to irregular bowel movement.

↪ Hiatus Hernia

Another condition responsible for causing excessive burping is hiatus/hiatal hernia. It is when the anterior portion of the abdomen dislodges into the thoracic cavity due to the diaphragm enduring a rupture that issues concerning effective digestion come to the fore. The nature of occlusion that occurs due to the herniation may be deemed the culprit in causing severe belching accompanied with discomfort in the abdominal region. Thus, regurgitation is frequently experienced in people diagnosed with hiatus hernia.

Symptomatic Treatment

» Excessive burping, caused due to food allergy, can be avoided by discontinuing foods that trigger an allergic reaction. Doctors, generally prescribe antihistamines to treat the various symptoms of food allergies.

» Maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding foods which are oily and spicy can treat excessive burping in a majority of people, including pregnant women.

» Foods, such as milk, wheat, eggs, colas, peanuts, and chocolate are known to cause flatulence. Thus, their intake should be lessened or avoided altogether.

» Increasing fluid intake helps in digesting the food better. Therefore, drinking lots of water, and including fruit juices in your diet helps in reducing burping. Soft drinks should be avoided at all costs as the pressurized air caused in the body due to them, always forces its way out and thus, causes burping.

» Chewing the food properly, aids in digestion and thus, reduces burping.

» There are certain remedies for irritable bowel syndrome which help in relieving its symptoms. Natural oils, such as peppermint oil and primrose oil help in reducing the cramps and stomach pain caused due to IBS. Consuming a high-fiber diet is known to control this condition, too.

» Besides, healthcare professionals, generally prescribe medicines, such as Nexium and antacids to treat the condition. However, the effectiveness of such medication, sometimes is called into question. Probiotics and herbs, like licorice; accompanied with natural remedies, such as aloe vera juice; and eating alkaline-rich foods, such as cucumber, asparagus, celery, leeks, etc. are far effective in treating both acid reflux disease and burping.

Disclaimer : The article published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The recommendations mentioned hereby may not be generically applicable. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the medical practitioner.

The post Excessive Burping Causes appeared first on Painless Diet Plans.

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